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AB – Edmonton Practice Portfolio (3 Clinics)
Signed LOI
Listing #6698

Most purchasers tell us they want a practice with a strong dental program and an upside in Hygiene billings.

That is a perfect description of these clinics!

All three clinics are very well-established with over 2,700 active patients. The practice has a strong dental program, but conservative hygiene numbers, as the current owners do all their own hygiene.  New ownership can increase profitability very quickly by freeing up treatment time with a hygienist and increasing patient hours. Currently the dental clinics aren’t open any evenings.

The three facilities combine for a total of 5,805 square foot and all three clinics have been established for 20 years. There is a total of 12 operatories with expansion potential of 15 operatories.

Both owners/operators are willing to continue working as associates for a purchaser long term, so this is truly a turnkey opportunity!

# of Patients
12 in total
Square Footage
5,805 ft² combined
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Chris Stachniak, Sales Representative
Toll free: 888 437 3434