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Practice Readiness Checkup

Get a check-up and find out!

Many factors can influence the saleability and value of a dental practice.If you wait until it is time to sell, it is often too late to address many of them.

Tier Three’s Ready to Sell Check-Up will give you a great overview of how prepared your practice is for a sale in the near future. We’ll cover critical factors that affect you, the buyer, and the tax man, and give you real-world advice on how to address any issues we uncover.

So don’t hesitate. Answer some simple questions below, and find out where your practice stands:

Planning YES NO N/A
Is your dental practice incorporated?
If Yes to Q1: If incorporated, are cash, life insurance & investments held inside your corporation less than 50% of total practice value?
Have you had your practice appraised by a bank-recognised appraiser?
Practice Growth
Is practice revenue up more than 5% this year versus last year?
Are hygiene billings divided by your past 12 month patient count more than $230?
Do you know how many patients are coming to your practice at least once a year?
If yes, do you have at least 1,000 patients coming in to the practice at least once a year?
Are new patients in the past year more than 10% of your total patient base?
Your Cost Structure
Are staff costs (excluding associates, family members and you) less than 27%?
Do you own the building your practice is located in?
If no, are your premises costs (lease or mortgage) less than 7% of your total revenue?
Your Premises
If you lease the premises, does your lease have at least 12 years of remaining term plus renewal options?
Is your lease free of termination, demolition, and relocation clauses?
Does your lease protect you if the purchaser fails to make rent payments?
Do you have staff contracts?
If you have an associate, do you have a contract with a restrictive covenant?
Based on the answers you provided, your grade is
You are likely in great shape
Based on the answers you provided, your grade is

That’s good news – it means you’re probably in pretty good shape to sell your practice when the time comes! There’s always room for improvement though, so we’ll go through your answers in detail, and provide a comprehensive report at no cost.

Based on the answers you provided, your grade is

That may seem daunting, but you’re not alone, and some of the issues you’re facing are quite common. A little bit of extra legwork now could really pay off for you, so we’ll go through your answers in detail, and provide a comprehensive report for you at no cost.

Based on the answers you provided, your grade is D

That may seem daunting, but don’t despair. We’ve seen it all before, and we know how to help you make some changes – if you choose to – that can help protect and maximize the value of your practice before you sell. It might take a little extra time and a readiness to roll up your sleeves, but we can help. We’ll go through your answers in detail, and provide a comprehensive report for you at no cost.

We’re dentists just like you, and we want to help you get the most out of your life’s investment.

Enter your details below, and we’ll follow up with your personalized report.

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