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Annonces actuelles

MB – Established Winnipeg Family Practice
Lettre d’intention signée
Réf 6944

Located in a retail plaza with ample free parking. This practice is in a booming area of Winnipeg with easy access to public transit and major thoroughfares.

With 3,630 patients in the past year and remarkable new patient flow. The above hygiene production is profitable and sustainable with a strong recall program.

This leased space has 2,020 square feet and offers 7 equipped operatories, 2 sterilization areas, a consult room, a staff room and a private office for the doctors.

Nb de patients
Salles opératoires
2,020 ft²
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Jodie Zilkey, Représentant des ventes
Dr. Tom Breneman, Représentant des ventes
Numéro Sans frais: 888 437 3434
Numéro de télécopie: 888 546 7940