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ON – Growing Brampton Practice
Réf 6914

This practice may be the career practice opportunity you have been waiting for!

With growing patients, and room to expand in the current facility, this is ideal for a single owner/operator, or someone looking to add a second practice location to their portfolio.

1,750 square foot facility, over 2 floors, with better than average exposure and signage on a major thoroughfare in the city, including ample parking for patients and staff.

3 plus 1 equipped operatories, with digital radiography.

Hygiene spending 10% above the provincial average, with the majority of patients receiving 3 units per hygiene appointment.

Cashflow, after doctor’s compensation, of greater than $130K.

More than 230 new patients annually.

Virtual appointments, including schedule reviews are available 12 hours/day.

Please complete the online enquiry form to receive our 2-page profile with further information.

Nb de patients
Salles opératoires
1,750+ ft²
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Greg Garbutt, Représentant des ventes
Barb Johns, Représentant des ventes
Numéro Sans frais: 888 437 3434
Numéro de télécopie: 888 546 7940