MB - Winnipeg Affordable Starter / Second Practice - Tier Three Brokerage : Tier Three Brokerage
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MB – Winnipeg Affordable Starter / Second Practice
Réf 6898

Located in a 7-storey retail/office & medical building that is directly across from a main hospital. The building is currently under renovation and the practice itself had upgrades as recent as 2020. The practice is wheelchair-accessible and has ample on-site and street parking for patients. On site security and access to major bus routes make this location even more desirable.

This leased space has 704 square feet and offers 2 equipped ops, a sterilization room, a staff room and a private office for the doctor. The practice was completely updated in 2018 with a new op added in 2020 with new plumbing/wiring and cabinetry. 

Nb de patients
Salles opératoires
704 sq.ft.
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Jodie Zilkey, Représentant des ventes
Dr. Tom Breneman, Représentant des ventes
Numéro Sans frais: 888 437 3434
Numéro de télécopie: 888 546 7940