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Annonces actuelles

ON – Barrie Area Practice
Réf 1757
This is a very well established, 5 op family practice with over 2,000 unique patients in the past 24 months.  The practice has a strong hygiene program and conservative dental billings, with a lot of work referred out, giving a new owner lots of upside potential.  Currently there are approximately 35 hours of dentistry and 60 hours of hygiene a week, but there is space and opportunity for more.  Plus, the owner is keeping up with the times, having just installed surgically Clean Air units in each operatory and the reception area.
On top of a great practice with lots of upside, you also have the opportunity to buy the 2,960 ft.2 building and be your own landlord.  Freedom from rent negotiations, noxious demolition/relocation clauses and building equity in your own property rather than paying rent to a landlord are all big positives in addition to a great dental practice
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