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ON – Non-GTA Perio Practice
Expirée/Retirée du marché
Réf 6283
With few periodontal offices nearby, this busy 5-operatory practice is a fixture in the community, attracting more than 700 new patients a year from an extensive, diversified base of referring doctors. 
Total billings are up 17% from pre-COVID levels, due to an uptick in referrals and a steady stream of hygiene revenue from a solid base of more than 1,200 hygiene patients. Cashflow before doctor’s compensation and loan repayment is upwards of $1,000,000 affording an elaborate lifestyle with opportunity to pay off the bank loan on an expedited timeline. 
Avoiding the burden of restrictive lease terms, and limited tenancy, the well-maintained, 1,995 sq. ft. commercial condominium with store-front exposure and ample free parking is also for sale along with the practice. 
Nb de patients
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Bill Henderson, Représentant des ventes
Numéro Sans frais: 888 437 3434
Numéro de télécopie: 888 546 7940