Cabinets Dentaires à Vendre

London Turn-Key Start-Up Practice

About Listing #ON4294

Is your vision to have an ideal new start-up practice without any challenges of doing the legwork, planning and construction? With this opportunity, you can hit the ground running. The current owner of this beautiful new start up office is looking to pass along this opportunity – they did the work, and you have a chance to reap the benefits!

Due to an unfortunate personal situation the current owner needs to be able to withdraw from ownership of this practice and that will allow someone to take advantage of the opportunity. Will that new owner be you?

This is a beautiful, well-equipped facility with over 1,150 square feet of space. There are 3 equipped ops, with 1 additional space available to support future growth. Open for just about a year, the office is staffed and operating, and it is already generating more than $300,000 in revenue. We have not assessed a value to the more than 200 past 12-month patients, and these charts will be included at no charge.

But this is more than just a beautiful new office. The real story here is the long-term growth opportunity. The City of London has committed to the addition of more than 45,000 new residential units and this practice is poised to be able to accommodate many of these new potential patients. Located as the only exclusive dentist, on the ground floor of a busy multi-practitioner building, with ample free parking and the possibility of adding significant signage, the practice just needs you.