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ON – Toronto East – 2 great locations
Expirée/Retirée du marché
Réf 6395

If you are an entrepreneurial dentist, looking for a practice with a great location that you can build on, we have 2 great practices waiting for you..yes you read that right 2 practices.

Located on the east end of Toronto (just over 10km apart), each practice includes 2 equipped operatories, plus 2 operatories plumbed and wired providing plenty of room to expand.

They both enjoy fantastic ground floor locations in retail settings with ample free parking, and exclusivity clauses in the lease. The second location was fully renovated in 2020, including all equipment.

The practices combined have seen over 1,200 patients annually (just under 600 in one location, and ~ 650 in the other). With above average hygiene billings, and below average dental billings per patient per year, there is a good amount of upside potential for those dentists who can bring some of the 50 external referrals in house.

While the vendor’s preference is to sell both locations together, they would also consider selling them separately. There is a detailed profile available for each location.

Nb de patients
1200+ combined in both practices
Salles opératoires
2+2 each practice
1574ft²+1370ft² in total for both locations
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Jennifer Blair, Représentant des ventes
Jim Blair, Représentant des ventes
Numéro Sans frais: 888 437 3434
Numéro de télécopie: 888 546 7940