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Annonces actuelles

ON – Midtown Toronto GP Practice
Réf 1603

In the past year alone, over 1,500 patients have come to the practice for one or more appointments, and a whopping 96% of them have had a hygiene procedure.  That patient count grows to over 1,700 on a two year basis.  Yet, the dentistry and hygiene done in the practice is very conservative.  That, of course, translates to very significant upside potential. 

In addition to a great patient base, the practice has unusually low costs. The practice is very space efficient, with 3 ops and a doctors office utilising only 967 square feet, helping to keep that rent cost nice and low. Rent is less than 6%, which is exceptional for a practice in midtown Toronto.  Wages are less than 25% of revenue and supplies are running below 6%.  All of that translates to well above average profitability.

Finally, in addition to lots of patients, upside potential and a great cost structure, the vendor is prepared to stay on for up to a year or longer, on a reduced schedule, to help make the transition to your ownership a real success!

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