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ON- Hamilton Area Family Practice
Listing #6018
But dont want to be in Toronto-
But dont want to be in the boonies. 30 minutes from Toronto close enough?
But want established family practice- 42 years old enough?
But established yes- but in area of growth- 16.3% between 2001-2016, with Citys own projections from 2016 to 2031 expected to be 61% growth enough?
But updated- dont want a museum- Fully renovated/updated 3 years ago good enough?
But patients- want minimum 1000 patients- 1152 enough?
But if old patient base- maybe not open to new treatment plans- how about current revenues $1,051,088- by associates.
But want minimum 4 operatories, space to grow- 6 operatories in over 2200 sq.ft. enough?
But want minimum 12 year lease- 2 x 5 year renewals plus 1 x 2 year renewal-i.e good til 2033 long enough?
No more Buts 
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