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Annonces actuelles

AB – Capital Region Dental Practice
Expirée/Retirée du marché
Réf 6533

Great opportunity to own a new clinic without the growing pains of starting from scratch. This 3-year-old practice is 2,025 square feet with 3 fully equipped operatories and 3 additional operatories plumbed and ready to grow. If this isn’t enough, the building is also available for purchase. 

if you’re looking to be your own landlord, this is the opportunity for you. The vendor is very motivated!

The current owner is open for staying up to 12 months to help with a smooth transition if needed.

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Chris Stachniak, Représentant des ventes
Numéro Sans frais: 888 437 3434
Numéro de télécopie: 888 546 7940